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Refrigeration and blast freezing systems

Mondial Forni

Shock freezers

AB Series Blast Freezers

Cabinet for blast chilling / freezing of bakery products,
confectionery and gastronomic products.
Blast chilling in the core of the product from + 90 ° C to + 3 ° C
within 90 minutes, with the possibility of installing two different
air cooling temperature, for normal and delicate products.
Blast chilling on the surface of the product from + 90 ° C to - 18 ° C
within 240 min.

  • intermittent blast chilling / blast freezing cycles

  • reduced number of cycles / day

Trays standard steps: 70 mm

AB series

Blast freezers AMA / AR-AB series

Case for shock cooling / shock freezing of bakery, confectionery products
and gastronomic products.
Blast chilling in the core of the product from + 90 ° C to + 3 ° C during
90 minutes, with the possibility of setting two different air cooling modes
temperature, for normal and delicate products.
Blast chilling on the surface of the product from + 90 ° C to - 18 ° C during
240 min

  • intermittent blast chilling / blast freezing cycles

  • reduced number of cycles / day

  • affordable combined solutions with TN/BT holding and

moderators (see special section)
Capacity: N. 14 trays 6080 / N. 28 trays 6040
Standard Pitch Trays: 70mm (Minimum: 35mm)

AMA / AR-AB series

Blast freezers AMA / AR-AB BT series

Cabinet for blast chilling / freezing of bakery products,
confectionery and gastronomic products and negative storage
compartment -20 ° C.
Blast chilling in the core of the product from + 90 ° C to + 3 ° C
within 90 minutes, with the possibility of installing two different
air cooling temperature, for normal and delicate products.
Blast chilling on the surface of the product from + 90 ° C to - 18 ° C
within 240 min.

  • intermittent blast chilling / blast freezing cycles

  • reduced number of cycles / day

Capacity: blast chilling / blast freezing: N. 5 trays 6040
Retention: N. 28 trays 6040 vs. N. 14 trays 6080
Standard Pitch Trays: 70mm (Minimum: 35mm)

AMA / AR-AB BT series

USE 20T Series Blast Freezers

Prover for blast freezing / blast freezing
bakery, confectionery and gastronomic products.
Blast chilling in the core of the product from + 90 ° C to
+ 3 ° С for 90 minutes, with the possibility
set two different air cooling temperatures, for
normal and delicate products.
Jet cooling of the product core from + 90 ° C to
-18°C for 240 minutes

  • intermittent blast chilling / blast freezing cycles

  • reduced number of cycles / day

USE 20T series

Shock freezing chambers of the USECOMPACT / USECO series

Prover for blast freezing / blast freezing
bakery, confectionery and gastronomic products.
Blast chilling in the core of the product from + 90 ° C to
+ 3 ° С for 90 minutes, with the possibility
set two different air cooling temperatures, for
normal and delicate products.
Jet cooling of the product core from + 90 ° C to
-20°C°C for 240 minutes (USECOMPACT)
and 120 min. (USECO)

  • intermittent blast chilling / blast freezing cycles

  • reduced number of cycles / day


Blast freezers FPC / SUPRO series

Prover for shock freezing of bakery and confectionery products
and gastronomic products.
Shock freezing in the core of the product from + 30 ° C
up to - 20 ° C for 60 minutes.

  • continuous shock freezing cycles

  • medium sized bakeries

FPC / SUPRO series

Cooling chambers

MC series cooling chambers TN-BT 

Wardrobe with several compartments from:
- No. 1 or 4 doors for BT negative hold
(-15°C / -20°C; maximum 4 rooms)

  • Compartment capacity:

trays 40° 600 x 400 mm
One condensing unit for all storage

MC TN-BT series

Cooling chamber series TV TN-BT

Wardrobe with several compartments from:
- No. 1 or 4 doors for BT negative hold
(-15°C / -20°C; maximum 4 rooms)

  • Compartment capacity:

trays 40° 600 x 400 mm
One condensing unit for all storage

TV TN-BT series

Cooling chamber series TRIOCOLD

Combination cabinet with pre-proofer, blast chilling/freezing of baked goods
products, confectionery and gastronomy and
storage compartment for negatives.

How can we help? Contact us


- engineering

- selection and supply of equipment

- installation

- service maintenance

- equipment for baking

- equipment for the production of dough products

- confectionery and bakery equipment

Working hours

Mon–Fri: 08:00–18:00

We are in touch

lane Motorny, 9а, Kyiv,


+380 (505) 90 88 88

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